
Saturday 7 November 2015

Happy Birthday Princess

Happy Birthday Dear

Happy 17th birthday Alia Nuryasmin. InsyaAllah berjaya dalam SPM, menggapai impian dan cita-cita dalam redha dan rahmatNya. Semoga menjadi insan solehan.

Monday 2 November 2015



Di pasaran NOVEMBER 2015

Pelangi cinta ini harus Hamid miliki demi janjinya pada bahagia.

Kisah cinta, perjuangan dan pengorbanan Hamid sebagai anak jalanan, dalam mencorak destinasinya untuk mengejar cita-cita yang selama ini tidak pernah berani dia bermimpi.Menyelusuri perjalanan hidup yang harus berjiwakan besi, Hamid dipertemukan dengan rasa cinta yang tidak pernah dia duga. Demi cinta ini pengorbanan demi pengorbanan harus ditempuhi dengan makrifat cinta yang luar biasa.

Demi cinta, dia harus berubah!

Demi maruah cinta dia harus berjuang selagi nyawa berdegup.

Pelangi cinta ini harus Hamid miliki demi janjinya pada BAHAGIA.

(Chowrasta: 2015)

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Happy Birthday Son

Happy Birthday Son

Selamat Menyambut Ulang Tahun Hari Kelahiran ke 14.

InsyaAllah berjaya menggapai impian dan cita-cita dalam redhaNya. Menjadi imam keluarga serta khalifah Al Khaliq yang senitasa diberkati dan rahmati Ya Karim. Dan menjadi anak dan hamba yang soleh. Alhamdulillah. Amien

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Hadiah Sastera Kumpulan Utusan 2014

Rumah Kecil Mama -HSKU 2014

Alhamdulillah, cerpen Rumah Kecil Mama (Disember 2014) dipersetujui dan dipilih para panel hakim HSKU 2014 sebagai salah satu pemenang kategori Cerpen Remaja.

Harapan saya semoga cerita ini...luahan 'rasa' seorang mama kepada puteri kesayangannya boleh dijadikan sebagai iktibar dan ada pengajaran yang boleh disisipkan di dalam jiwa.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Maal Hijrah 1437

Selamat berada di ruang baharu. Azamkan dan pakukan dengan nekad, akan berlaku perubahan diri supaya diri dirahmati dan diberkati oleh Al Khalid. Bila jiwa dan hati sudah sebati dengan azam dan nekad yang diserap ini, Insya Allah jasad...fizikal, akan dengan perlahan mula berubah mengikut azam dan nekad yang sudah sebati dengan roh untuk mencari redha Ya Karim.

Hari pertama sudah sampai di pertengahan hari, hanya 353 kita berada di ruang 1437. Sekali lagi selamat berada di ruang ini dari saya dan keluarga.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Novel Gangster -Romantik: CHOWRASTA

Novel Gangster -Romantik -Chowrasta

Akan datang NOVEMBER 2015

Novel cinta yang dirangka dalam ruang Gangsterism. Ruang yang baharu pada saya sebagai penulis novel romantik. Sungguhpun begitu kerangka Gangsterism sudah lama saya faham. Kefahaman itu saja pelajari melalui kerangka Gangsterism film, kerana Film Studies adalah bidang saya. Pengaplikasian kerangka Gangsterism filem ke ruang Novel Chowrasta, ternyata mampu mengangkat dunia Chowrasta sebagai sebuah dunia Gangsterism. Alhamdulillah. Tetapi itu hanya sebahagian cabaran yang saya harus lalui. Separuh lagi adalah ruang era yang bukan 'milik' saya. Ruang lewat 60an dan 70an. Ruang yang asing, apatah lagi lokasinya di Pulau Pinang.

Menyelusuri ruang yang asing ini, saya suka. Banyak ilmu yang saya pelajari: sejarah, sosio-budaya dan sosio politik era ini. Di tambah pula, ada sejarah penting dalam era ini: Penubuhan Malaysia dan sejarah hitam Mei 13. Dua sejarah penting ini saya adun dan gaul agar sebati dengan ruang gangsterism dunia Chowrasta. Sungguhpun begitu, ruang yang 'ganas dan kasar' ini saya seimbangkan dengan rasa cinta. Berada di ruang cinta Chowrasta, memang sangat-sangat terasa perbezaan yang ketara berbanding rasa cinta yang pernah saya lalui: 26 Episod Gosip (2010), Wanginya, Bunga Rampai (2012), Skandalous Ika: Cinta Berani Mati (2013). Pertama ruangnya adalah Gangsterism dan kedua dunianya dunia lewat 60an -awal 70an. Dan ketika berada dalam pengalaman rasa inilah saya jatuh kasih pada Zaharah.

Publisher Mencorak Destini Publication

Thursday 1 October 2015

The First Draft-Teman Jiwa

It is now complete

Official 1st October, 12:30am, first draft...a very raw draft of Teman Jiwa completed. As usual, the manuscript will be safely kept...lets Teman Jiwa cook in an oven of mind before I start the second draft: to add its icing...or maybe some decorations.

Friday 25 September 2015

Surah Al Nahl- Ayat 91

Surah Al Nahl: Ayat 91

 وَأَوْفُوا بِعَهْدِ اللَّهِ إِذَا عَاهَدْتُمْ وَلَا تَنْقُضُوا الْأَيْمَانَ بَعْدَ تَوْكِيدِهَا وَقَدْ جَعَلْتُمُ اللَّهَ عَلَيْكُمْ كَفِيلًا ۚإِنَّ اللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا تَفْعَلُونَ

Dan tepatilah perjanjian dengan Allah apabila kamu berjanji dan janganlah kamu membatalkan sumpah-sumpah (mu) itu, sesudah meneguhkannya, sedang kamu telah menjadikan Allah sebagai saksimu (terhadap sumpah-sumpah itu). Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui apa yang kamu perbuat.

Pengukuhan yang selama ini dicari untuk dijadikan akar kepada konflik novel Teman Jiwa. Alhamdulillah dengan hidayahNYA saya bertemu dengan ayat ini. Ayat ini mampu mengangkat konflik dalam Act 2, setinggi langit dan mencengkam bumi Teman Jiwa hingga ke perut bumi. 


Thursday 24 September 2015

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Finding A 'Perfect' Closer

Finding a 'perfect' closer

"Finding THE closer to a conflict for a story is not as easy as blink of an eye. It needs creativity, knowledge (research and observation) and most of all - wisdom. Otherwise the closer will be thrown into a pool of cliche." 
[Haswida Abu Bakar: 23rd September 2015]

Yet it is not a well written story if the closer is not at par as it's conflict. Now I am stuck in the last act of the storyline: Act 3 - 1. Closer (How to solve the created conflict?) Yes, I have formulated a closer in mind but to fabricate it into a workable flow, it is not as easy as a blink of an eye. Or otherwise it will be thrown into a pool of cliche. Thus, the whole story of TEMAN JIWA will lost its soul. Months of research and effort will drained into the waste pool.

NOP...No.. I don't want that to happened. I love my Teman Jiwa or Soulmate (translated in English). Even though the idea is not mind. It was given and outlined by a person whom I respected and admired. But to groom and paint this interesting and beautiful idea of Teman Jiwa, it needs a 'splash' of Salaga-doola, menchika-boola, Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo [Fairy Godmother in Cinderella], so that it can magically turn it (idea) into an amazing story. An amazing dramatic love story, in the case of Teman Jiwa.

Indulging through the magical dramatic love story journey of Teman Jiwa, I, slowly fall in love with the characters: Azmeer, Kalisha dan Rukiah.... Firdaus. It is a story of soul mates, meet at a perfect place and time, blessed by the magic of pure love but fate is not on their side. Or does it? The answer depends on how and where I place my formulated closer. Then every things will fall into place and shines pleasantly into the readers heart. 

That is the mystery of every story I wrote. Yes, I did set it's ending. But as the story flows, the magic of 'ilham' take over the mind, it reshapes the idea, thus story once plotted. Hence, the story by then, is a mystery to me as a writer. Nor I or the unfinished story,know how the closer plays it role as to fabricate the ending. And that, my dear, is a magical journey I will be never get tired off.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Pengalaman Pertama - Penganjur LARI!

Alif dan Bolasepak

Football Tournament di Puncak Alam yang berlangsung tadi, pada saya tarafnya international, sebab ada pasukan bola dari BATAM. HEBAT!
Besarnya boleh tahan. Ada penyertaan pasukan dari Pulau Pinang dan Kedah (masing-masing satu bas). Ramainya macam pesta seperti di luar stadium bola, siap ada deretan khemah jualan t-shirt dan macam-macam. 
TETAPI penganjurnya pula yang lepas tangan. Jam 9 lebih baru muncul dalam keadaan terhencot-hencot kaki dengan pelbagai alasan. Hadirnya seorang diri tanpa urusetia yang lain. 'Tempat gerakkannya' hanyalah meja empat segi kecil di bawah pokok. Kunjungnya sekejap dan kemudian hilang lagi.
Maka semua yang hadir 'main-main' untuk suka-suka sahaja. Sudahlah begitu, ada pula PENGADIL merajuk dan keluar pandang.
Inilah pengalaman pertama saya dan keluarga. Ingatkan hanya konsert dan persembahan artis saja biasa dengan penganjur lari. Rupanya, tournament bola sepak anak-anak pun ya juga.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Novel Gangster- Chowrasta

Novel Gangster: CHOWRASTA
Translasi dari Skrip Filem CHOWRASTA

Berlari di jalan tanah yang sesak dan berselerak denga rumah setinggan sudah biasa pada Hamid. Ruang yang tidak pernah sunyi. Ada jeritan sang ibu memarahi anak. Di hujung sana ada terdengar si isteri membebel pada suami. Di sini, suara perempuan-perempuan ronggeng gelak ketawa riuh. Di sana sini juga berjuntai baju dan kain jemuran pelbagai warna dan bentuk. Kalau penghuninya menyewa di tingkat atas, maka akan berjuntailah buluh atau kayu atau pun kayu panjang yang dijadikan ampaian. Dan sekiranya penyewa menghuni di tingkat bawah maka akan bersiratlah wayar  atau tali yang diikat dari penjuru ke penjuru, samada di belakang atau di depan rumah untuk dijadikan ampaian. Pada Hamid, rupa ruang yang sudah sebati dengan halwa mata dan telinganya ini, indah. Dia suka. Padanya, suasana ini sungguh meriah. 

[Chowrasta:2015- Mencorak Destini Publication]



Coming soon to your nearest cinema theatre

Friday 24 July 2015

Aidilfitri 2015

Selamat...Selamat...Selamat Hari Raya

Tahun ini tema baju kami sekeluarga 'merah pekat' mengikut definisi Alif. Warna pilihan Alif buat kami sekeluarga.

Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari saya dan keluarga

Sunday 5 July 2015

Phuket Here We Come

Travel-Journey’s Dairy: Southern Thailand

Part 2 - Phuket Here We Come

The journey to Phuket took us nearly eight hours drive (from Padang Besar-Phuket).Driving through the island without a place to stay was not our main concerned. Thus, to decide on which beach should be head on, was not a problem at all. Hence, Patong Beach was a choice, since it was and still is, a pick of the  tourists worldwide. But to look for a place for dinner, was not an easy thing to solve.The search was never found only until we reached Patong zone.

 As we entered Patong ‘gateway', from the highland (road), the dots of light flooded the down below land, was a sight to remember. Never in my thought, Patong was a place of such a crowded city.

Once a place for dinner was pick, a smile of relief appeared on the children faces and its became bigger when soon noticed the restaurant was been acknowledged by a few of Malaysian local tv stations.

Later, choosing and hunting for a place to rest and sleep was not a big issues, since Phuket was not at its peak season. The hotel’s rate thus, was reasonable. We choose a place that faced the famous beach. Two double bed in a room with a three star hotel environment, we paid only RM 170.00. 

Saturday 20 June 2015

A Wonderful ‘Spicy’ Journey

Travel-Journey’s Dairy: Southern Thailand

Part 1: A Wonderful ‘Spicy’ Journey

Our journey to Krabi started a day earlier as planned and the hotel was never booked according for that date. Therefore, we had no place to stay, thus no destination but to decide one. As daddy and us used to this kind of ‘journey-holiday’, I confidently set Phuket as our first holiday journey destination. Children at the back seat, agreed, since Phuket for them, was a new place to discover.

It has been daddy’s dream to drive to Phuket. The dream he has set ages ago. Thus, planned our next holiday to Krabi never include Phuket.

Having said that, the advantage of  ‘journey-holiday’ by car or self-drive, we can freely choose our own route and stop at any place that we desire. In this manner, we get to know the ‘unfamiliar’ space, cultural and landscape even closer. With this in mind, the journey  started from Padang Besar boarder at about 12 noon and set off to Phuket with no place to stay.

Our first stop was at a so-called restaurant, in a district called Tamot of Phatthalung Province.

We were welcomed with wonderful greetings from the owner himself and his wife, even received a ‘first-class’ serviced. A nearly two-hour journey seem priceless, thus we forgot to state - we would like our meal with not so spicy taste. 

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Ramadhan Al Mubarak 15

Selamat datang Ramadhan Al Mubarak...

Selamat beribadah dan menunaikan solat terawih

Sunday 22 February 2015

The Bukit Gambang Resort City

The Bukit Gambang Resort City...

'Resort City' is such a big name for this place, thus it did not  fit perfectly 'yet' in this term.  My three days and 2 nights stay could be consider a bad experience. It all started with a 'heat and sweaty' first night. One of the air conditioner of my 2 bedrooms apartment was not function. The maintenance only responded after two phone called through my mobile phone. Yes...through my mobile phone... since the apartment's phone line was informed as having a problem. Then the experience started to get worst as the next morning...the was no water supply. But sadly, the Resort seem to respond as it was a normal 'thing' when the complaint was made:

'Ya...N3 memang sedang ada masalah air. Maintenance kami sedang baiki.' 

Wow...what a 'good comforting word' from their front office. No apologising for the 'uncomfortable' situation.

Lastly, there was no house keeping service for 3 days and two night stay. We paid RM 600++ and the house keeping service is not event 'served' the purpose of 'Resort City': The rooms should be clean and comfortable.  Thus, I wonder what characteristics does this 'Resort City' hold tight to?

However, the Water Park and Safari did 'try' very hard to served it function as 'the best' in the nation. But both is not included in that RM 600++. Thus, then it was a different story after all.

Hence, THE RESORT CITY has to  redefine as it failed to uphold the 'resort city' this moment.

Having said that, nevertheless, our family holidays still a moment to remember. The moment cherished in the Water Park and Safari ( excluded The Resort City) is another precious 'diamonds' time that is now locked safely in the cloud of memory.

Friday 30 January 2015

Saturday 17 January 2015

Happy New Year


Better late and never..... a big number...yet it is just a number to remind of how old is the world is of course older than 2015. Thus, a reminder to us of how many years have we been living on this world...check and balance will comes to its 'check mate' when comes a day when hundred of happy birthday wishes poured to us. Then it is a celebration of acknowledgment of how long actually we been living in a place call earth. Hence, it is also a reminder for us....the clock of nature will never stop clicking.

Happy New 2015...start your journey with new hope (s), inspiration (s) and open heart.
Doa...tawakal and redha...